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Mend Nissan Micra Wiper Wipers

windscreen wiper fault nissan micra ?

hi my wife was driving to work this morning and the wipers on her car were fine. On the way back the wipers wouldn't work. I have checked both fuse boxes but can't find a fuse for the front wipers. Anyone any ideas either where the fuse/relay for the wipers is located or what else could be wrong. The car is a 54 plate micra

wee mo
December 2010
Hi - My wife's car just did same. I couldn't find a fuse, but when we checked the motor was working. It turned out to be the wiper linkage on the motor had dropped off. Its a sort of ball pushed into a nylon socket thing. It goes back in but is loose. I couldn't fix any ties at that end as it turns continuously so I turned the link around and attched some cable ties at other end to hold it in.

Bishop of Barnestoneworth
December 2010
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