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Mend Wall Clocks

Mend Clocks and Watches, Wall Clocks
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Mend Clocks and Watches, Wall Clocks
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Mend > Wall Clocks

Mend Clocks and Watches, Wall

How do I fix H Samuel Carriage Clock?

I have a H Samual wind-up Carriage Clock, with Fema London 11 jewels movement which has stopped working.The Swiss made movement at the top of the clock contains a large and smaller wheel and hairspring???? set on a plate with slow/fast assembly, the number 536 1 is printed on the bottom. Prior to the clock stopping, I had to gently push the larger of the 2 wheels to get it started.
Can anybody please help me resolve problem?

Richard Barry
November 2010
As a professional clock restorer,and repairer,the first thing i will say is All mechanical clocks need to be cleaned and serviced about every 5 years,all the oil will thicken etc..As this is the most common problem,take it to a competent repairer,or horologist.Preferably a member of a professional organization,such,as THE BRITISH WATCH AND CLOCKMAKERS GUILD,OR BRITISH HOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE,,,.
In most cases,trying yourself will cause damage,(i have an example on my bench now,would have cost about £100,but now £250,due to owner damaging the clock)
It requires great skill and exsperiance,plus special tools,chemicals,and at least 3 types of oil,and often grease,Non available,usually for the public.
As most clock,particularly carriage clocks are valuable,it makes no sense,for the amateur to attempt repairs.(i repeat after say 5 years or so a complete strip clean and overhaul,is required,due to tacky oil,dirt,dust,etc.,)
Any repairs,replacement parts,springs,etc.,are beyond most amateur repairers,and parts not easy to find.
I manage to repair many simper things,and save money,But leave valuable clocks to the experts'

Robert Woodhouse
February 2016

I have a similar clock that stopped working, but when I turned it on its side for a while and righted it again, the mechanism began working again. However, it can easily stop again if I turned it on its side or upside down.

Did you manage to get your clock working? Did you ever have any problem with the back door of the clock? I find that mine flies open easily and will not stay shut. Do you have any suggestions about how to mend this?

February 2012
Mend Clocks and Watches, Wall Clocks
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