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Mend Panasonic Cassette Recorders

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Mend Panasonic Problem Record

problem with playback on panasonic vcr?

hope you can help..have only used e.p to record on my get more on the tape..started to get lines on tried to record on lp..not as many lines..then tried sp ..sound but no picture..and i have never recorded with sp.tried a few tapes all the same..tried 3 different head cleaners..not so many lines..but only sound on sp no picture..little better on lp..but not so good on ep.. put a new head cleaner in the add 5 drops one.still a few lines on ep and lp sound but no picture on sp..and a bit jumpy just on the top of picture..tracking helps a little on jumping..any ideas ? thanks in advance ..

July 2006
Try a dry head-cleaning cassette. At least you won't get anything inside the machine wet. I happen to like the one Scotch/3M puts out. It has easy on-screen instructions and you can watch and listen to it as it does the job. The sound-check feature and graphics are also pretty nifty.

Adina Hirschmann, Proprietor: Component Connections, Bergen County, NJ
June 2007
Just a heads up (only in case it has the Z-mechanism), as this is the most common fault in those models...

Although it could well be due to faulty video heads, there is one other possibility which is becoming very common. I've come across this many times and it's actually caused by the same fault as Chris had with his video.

Often when the teeth fail on the take-up loading gear, this prevents the supply loading arm from completing the last 1/8th inch of loading. This results in lack of tape tension and symptoms very similar to worn video heads. Often this begins as an intermittent unstable playback problem.

It's easily confirmed by checking the supply loading gear is fully engaged and not slack in play or record.

Failure of the take-up loading gear in Z-Mechanism models can cause:
Intermittent loading or Intermittent loading.
Intermittent playback picture/picture unstable.
Jammed mechanism.

This only applies if the unit has Z-mech, otherwise the fault is likely to be worn video head as advised.

Regarding repair, it sholud be left to a video engineer but a loading gear would be substantially cheaper than new video heads.

August 2006
hi there
i tried cleaning the heads after the cleaners did not work !used the chamoi soaked in the solution from the head cleaners....i have cleaned the heads and put new heads in over the last 30 years even on the old betamax machines..but this one has me stumped !will try putting an ordinary film through it see if that does any good..if not the heads could be damaged..thanks chris and terry..i spent 2 days looking at all the sites to see if they knew any other remedy ! mike.

July 2006
I'm not technical, but I wanted to share what I' ve recently read in case it helps.

You might like to research (i found it invaluable for the layman) and within that the secion

As says - just try playing a normal tape for two hours....
"The action of rotary heads contacting tape for a long period of time can safely remove soft deposits from the heads. This surprisingly restores normal operation about 2/3rds the time."

I'd also heed the advice about cleaning the heads manually - it's v.easy to royally mess up the heads permenantly if the cleaning is done incorrectly. I read that Cotton buds are not recommended as they can leave bits of cotton on the heads - use chamois Q-tips instead.

Chris Neary
July 2006
Sounds like your video head is still dirty. It is possible to clean them if you are careful. If you can get the lid off (With the power disconnected NOT just switched off!) you will see a large cylindraicl shaped thing about 7 or 8 cms. in diameter and and 3 or 4 in depth. That is the video head. Look at the circular surface of it carefully. You should see small pieces of dirt on it. Clean them off with a cotton bud and deionised water. Dry with a fresh cotton bud. Leave for a few hours to get really dry. Put the lid on. Try a tape. BTW, the dirt gets there from your tapes so you need to look after them better.

July 2006
Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
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Mend Video, Cassette Recorders
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