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Mend Scantronic 9800 Home Alarm Systems

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Mend repair fix Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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Mend Scantronic 9800 Alarm System Showing

SCANTRONIC 9800 Microprocessor Intruder Alarm?

The alarm system is going off showing BF [ battery fault ] have checked voltage which is 12, which means Ok! when we put in code to stop it will only stop for a minute, How can we stop the Alarm from going off Please

Mr Sean Donaghy
November 2010
or are you from the east end of london?

November 2010
i have to say.arfur,is that really how you spell your name?and who mentioned anything about colour or nationality?

November 2010
putting a sealed battery in a micro wave??????
hope you got house insurance.

November 2010
You ever broken a battery open? You ever been stuck in Accra (That's Africa in case you don't know) with no way of buying a new battery?

No? ................... well, neither have I, but I'm sure it's happened to lot's of others so just spare a thought for them before you start criticising everybody regardless of colour or nationality

November 2010
Arfur i tried this at University about 20 years ago. If you think it works, you carry on,

November 2010
How dare you sugest I'm not from the industry ....... I've worked with alarms for over 30 years!

Just for your information, my father used to heat up Ever Ready Bijou batteries during world war 2 ......... as did hundreds of other people. It was a widely used trick to rejuvenate batteries.

have you ever tried it? No of course you haven't ........ so don't comment on what you don't know.


November 2010
Hi Sean, Alarm guy is giving you ok advice but not resolving your problem. GTS has it spot on, So does Acorn The other idiots havent a clue ,
1st you cannot test a battery with a multimeter,
Us engineers in the industry use ACT IBT-GOLD testers, they simulate a 12 hour battery dis-chage in seconds.
They cost about £150 and are not openly available.
Just buy yourself a Yuasa 7amp rechargeable battery, average life, 3-5 years, If in a hot cupboard maybe 18-24 months ish.
Arfur you are a muppet, and obviously not from the industry.

November 2010
Don't bother buying a new battery. You can rejuvenate the old one by heating it in an oven for 10 minutes

November 2010
Putting the battery in a freezer won't work, 2mins per Amp in a mirowave (on low power) should refresh it?

Billy the Bellbox
November 2010
I had this very same problem, there is an easy fix just leave the battery in the freezer overnight, failing that you could call out the installer, they will probably have several batteries in their freezer.

Dom Jolly
November 2010
Thing is OP is an expert and the battery has 12 on the side of it.
But has no idea of cells drying , float charges, load tests because his £4.00 multimeter says 12.
Also one of the most trusted and stable panels Scantronic ever made, tells lies.....................


November 2010
What makes you think that 12 (?) means it's ok, you have NO idea, suggest you get an alarm company in to fully service the system SAFELY before you injure yourself by playing around.

Suggest you contact Scantronic and tell them that their excellent 9800 control panel is now giving false information!

November 2010
buy a new battery,the panel is telling you it faulty,
and that panel is smarter than the folk who own it!

November 2010
12 volts is okay is it?
What is the voltage under a load test the panel gives it?

Never mind, you know its ok.

November 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Mend repair fix Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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