hope the following helps you, I had a similar problem with my RSH1 and it took me a few hours searching online before I found the following.
"Hi, I have it on good authority that this is the system check for Samsungs (RS21, SRS20, etc) during normal operation, is to hold the top two buttons down, just until display flashes - this will reset the electronics.
Secondly, if the top two buttons are held down for longer (8 seconds) the display goes blank and will show any error messages in the form of DASHES
I have experimented with unplugging air or frost probes - and the error code you get -on a blank screen is different parts of the last digit lighting up.
Example: when i disconnect the fridge air-probe, shut both doors, hold down top buttons around display - The SIDE of the last "8" digit lights up ! ...strange but true.
But, I need to know what it means when the BOTTOM of the "8" digit lights up"
I am still trying to find a list of the error codes the lines refer to but so far my unit is working fine.
October 2010