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Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems

byron door bell playing up?

My neighbour has a BYRON PORTABLE DOOR CHIME ( For some reason, the ‘sounder’ is playing up.
He initially thought the battery in the door push was faulty, but this was still over 3vdc.
The mains powered sounder does throw out a sound,,,, but like a strangled cat. I switched modes, only to be met by a longer and more pitiable strangled cat. I swapped jumpers – to no avail, & I tried adjusting the only ‘pot’ in it, again to no avail.
As far as I am aware, the receiver is getting the correct signal from the door push or it wouldn’t sound at all.
Any ideas please ?

Friendly Neighbour
October 2010
My Byron wireless doorbell stop working after a month . The battery is not the problem . I purchsed new batteries and inserted one . It made no difference I have written to Byron Support and is presently awaiting a reply.

February 2020
Hi I had the same problem with a byron bell. The vibration from the speaker inside caused a wire to come off, so you need to open it up and solder it back on!

Roy Forbes
July 2012
too true alarm guy,

October 2010
Not such a friendly neighbour after all.

October 2010
you are a joke friend,and what has you being disabled to do with anything,?there are no egos on here,this site is for alarm systems,get it,?not door bells if your feelings are hurt,tough,so dont come all over high and allmighty with us,we try and help if we can,just not with door bells

October 2010
apologies guys,
I didn't realise it was just for pro's !
I thought the forum was for anyone seeking help and advice on mending things - which it probably was to begin with.

As to the cost of a replacement: He is an old pensioner & I am disabled. We don't all have the money that you do - linked to the fact that it's better to mend something - even if its worthless - than to just bin it.

I'd better look for a forum where people actually try to help others, rather than waste everyones time by making banal comments for the sake of their own ego.
Time that might be spent on improving punctuation.

Don't bother replying,,,, I won't be back to read it.

October 2010
Tell me about it GTS, as said its not worth even trying to fix. Its factory sealed and the pot was probs the voltage regulator!

October 2010
your only talking about what,twenty or thirty bucks?
if that,why you waste your time?one more thing,the pot in door bell not ment to be adjusted,its factory set,
so you may have added to the prob,anyway,just buy a simple bell for your friend

October 2010
mate its a door bell,get a life,and a new door bell,this site is for the public to ask prof,alarm installers to help to repair their alarm systems,not to waste our time on door bells,sorry,i dont mean to be rude,nor do the rest of the guys on here contact the manufactures of the bell

October 2010
Thanks guys - really constructive.

October 2010
how to shoe horses?????

October 2010
door bells now,alarm guy?what next?:-)

October 2010
Bin it pay a bit more get something decent.

October 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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