Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Stratton Lawn Tractor

fixing my starter on briggs &stratton engine on my lawn tractor?

I bought a new fly wheel for the starter on my lawn tractor. I need to take the top apart so I can replace the old flywheel. How do I take it apart?
It's a 12.5 HP briggs & stratton . The starter is 3 5/8" in length and 2 7/8 in diameter.
thank you

James Barry
June 2006
If you are talking about the pinion gear on top of the starter there are two types. One is held on with a C-clip on top end of the starter shaft. The other is held together with a small roll pin that has to be driven through the shaft to remove the starter drive assembly.

July 2006
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Mend repair fix lawn mowers

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