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Mend Aqualisa Baths and Showers

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Free repair help for Aqualisa baths and showers

Mend > Baths and Showers

Mend Aqualisa Years Water

aqualisa quarts power shower ?

shower only a few years old worked well untill last week uanable to get water through to shower head although no block in the systems pump sounds as though its working.

August 2010
re blocked air pump it kept turning on off. run cold water and hot like it says i had to bash the pump quite a few times and you can hear the air popping also try and press bost a few times on off and turn on water jets keep turning them on off slowly after about twenty mins it all works now just hope it stays that way
thank you for the above post

January 2011
If the hose is blocked the water will be unable to pass through correctly and will be forced back into the pump.The hose will look perfect from the outside as it's metal but the INTERNAL liner is rubber and may have collapsed.

If this is the case you will have very poor flow through the head and the pump will be struggling.To remedy this,unscrew the shower head from the hose anti-clockwise.Place the open end of the hose to it's lowest point (bath or tray).Turn the water on.The water SHOULD come out in a straight line,if however the water comes out in a V-Shape the liner is twisted and the hose will need replacing.

If you are on a gravity water system (cold water tank in the loft) there is a chance that it could be air trap.If there is air in your pipework this will cause low flow and pulsing.

To remedy this fault do the same above but run the water on FULL COLD for two minutes and then FULL HOT for three minutes.
If the water pulsates it is the air escaping.If it does this leave it until it corrects itself.

If there is no response from the shower I would suggest that you put a call into Aqualisa who can advise you further.


August 2010
check the non reurn valve is not stuck.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
August 2010
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Aqualisa baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Aqualisa baths and showers