I am answering this question in the hope of getting to the bottom of this problem.
This is what i have found so far,
The 3.3, 5.1 & 9 volt rails from the P/S are OK. The 14 & 22 volt rails are missing. However when you apply a 3.3v potential to the Standby pin of connector P802 the 14 & 22 volt rail fire up. This leads me to believe the Power Supply is OK but "Stuck in Standby".
The standby lead is controlled from the motherboard where i have come to a standstill.
I've heard there is some success in using electronic freeze spray on the motherboard in locating the faulty component however this did not work for me.
Further Info,
The power lead enters the mobo on pin 7 (counting left to right) of connector P220 and exits the mobo as standy via the control circuitry on pin 2 (counting bottom up) of connector P221 which is the standby lead of the P/S.
The 3.3 volt supply is a separate power supply (P/S) on a small board attached to the main P/S which is live all the time.
August 2006