hotpoint aquarius dishwasher fdl570
18mths old we are now on our second fault the first being the circulation pump came in at £130, the most recent fault gives me salt/rinse aid flashing alongside the start flashing
I cslled the same indepndant repair man who had already warned me these werent long lasting machines due to their cheap parts, he advised against paying out for it as it simply wouldnt last
On closer examination we have realised this fault is due to a leak alot of water had collected in the bottom of dishwasher which had set off the anti flood device (stop waorking)
repairman and now realised the sump is faulty apparently the spout of the sump is deformed therefore it wont connect onto the connecting pipe properly, he is hoping he can wangle soemthing to fix without replacing heres why i am typing this
I have seen many posts on the internet about fault codes on hotpoint dishwashers and quite a number of people have taken advise to tip the machine let water run out and then simply try .....lots of times people have been delighted this has did for me too for a short time
But this has got me thinking repairman says he cant see anyway the spout of sump would have become destorted what if it was manufactored this way???
What if there is a fault within these sumps and thats why we are seeing so many people simply tipping machines therefore resetting the flood alarm and FAB the dishwasher works...then wen a few weeks months later this happens again repeating the tip method!!!
if it is a manufactoring fault surely we should be sayin somehting and having it put right rather than having a relatively new dishwasher breaking down
If you have had similar problems please email me asap I plab to get in touch with hotpoint and put this to them and if no help will contact UK programme watchdog
email..... karly_1824 at yahoo dot co dot uk
thanks for reading
April 2012