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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Dishwashers

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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Lights

my hotpoint aquarius dishwasher is displaying flashing lights?

my dishwasher has two lights flashing - eco 45 and fast 40
when these are on, I can't do anything with it except turn it off at the socket for a while and then it seems to reset itself. Sometimes it does it in the middle of a cycle, other times at the end. I was told that whichever lights come on are an error code to advise of the problem. Any ideas what they might mean, please??!!

melanie castle
June 2006
Cleared the filter, tipped it for luck and yippee I don't have to buy a new dishwasher at Christmas time

Derek From York
November 2015
I just had the endless draining cycle with flashing lights problem. The dry and tilt option worked perfectly. Thanks.

July 2014
Had the family over for a visit & pre-Xmas dinner, lots & lots of dishes to wash. Then the ECO light on my Aquarius DWM55 started flashing. Much scratching of head followed by much reading on this site and as in previous posts, I tilted it to get rid of the water in the flood catch tray (There was a lot of water) My machine works perfectly. Thank you guys for your help.

Mick Stuart
December 2013
fdw 60 with 2 flashing , eco and prewash, just the pump runs and thats it! followed the tip advice and now its running through its cycle, fingers crossed!!
thanks for the posts, will say far to many people having the same problems! general fault??

greg kennedy
December 2013
My 18 month old aquarius has just started the lights flashing thing. Annoying that it doesnt mention what to do in the trouble shooting part of manual. Im going to see if my electrician hubby will try the tilt advice. I will be SO grateful if it does

October 2013
Washer lit up like a christmas tree and not working... tried the tilt.... running like a dream now... thanks everyone

Kev Suffolk
March 2013
My dishwasher Eco 45 and fast 40 lights were flashing and I would just turn it off and start the programme again. This seemed to work for a while. However, then it would work at all, no matter what I did. So, I followed the tilt advise and now it's working beautifully. Thanks for the advice

Wonder woman
February 2013
Just cleaned filter and tipped it emptying the water works great thanks for answer

December 2012
Thanks folks. With a ladle, dishcloth & garden tie I was able to retrieve the smallest piece of grape stalk. No tipping required.

November 2012
It worked for me too! Thank you!!

May 2012
hotpoint aquarius dishwasher fdl570
18mths old we are now on our second fault the first being the circulation pump came in at £130, the most recent fault gives me salt/rinse aid flashing alongside the start flashing

I cslled the same indepndant repair man who had already warned me these werent long lasting machines due to their cheap parts, he advised against paying out for it as it simply wouldnt last
On closer examination we have realised this fault is due to a leak alot of water had collected in the bottom of dishwasher which had set off the anti flood device (stop waorking)
repairman and now realised the sump is faulty apparently the spout of the sump is deformed therefore it wont connect onto the connecting pipe properly, he is hoping he can wangle soemthing to fix without replacing heres why i am typing this

I have seen many posts on the internet about fault codes on hotpoint dishwashers and quite a number of people have taken advise to tip the machine let water run out and then simply try .....lots of times people have been delighted this has did for me too for a short time

But this has got me thinking repairman says he cant see anyway the spout of sump would have become destorted what if it was manufactored this way???
What if there is a fault within these sumps and thats why we are seeing so many people simply tipping machines therefore resetting the flood alarm and FAB the dishwasher works...then wen a few weeks months later this happens again repeating the tip method!!!
if it is a manufactoring fault surely we should be sayin somehting and having it put right rather than having a relatively new dishwasher breaking down

If you have had similar problems please email me asap I plab to get in touch with hotpoint and put this to them and if no help will contact UK programme watchdog

email..... karly_1824 at yahoo dot co dot uk

thanks for reading

April 2012
i have 2 lights flashing, the salt & rinse aid and the Pause/Start light flashing and the dryer as well. The water empties out and then you get the flashing lights

March 2012
I have 2 lights flashing, the salt & rinse aid and the Pause/Start light flashing as well. The machine just empties and doesn't dry. The model is FDL570, 2 and a half years old. We had the power trip out just before the first instance and have used the machine twice since but with the same flashing lights each time.

March 2012
well i have the exact model and thanks to u guys it gave me an idea to get a length of hose pipe to my garden and stick one end down the filter hole and give it a good suck to get any water out that is standing at the bottom of the appliance. once it is drained the sensor in the filter realises what a numpty its been and u can reset the programme and away u go. jus be careful of the speed the water will reach the end of the hose, else u end up with a mouth full of water with yesterdays food in it, aint nice trust me!!!! hope this helps!!!

February 2012
Awesome advice guys thank you, we had the wash and rinse lights flashing, we disconnected the washer at all outlets, including the plug, and tipped the whole thing back so it was laying on it's back with a towel underneath, all the water came draining out the pipes, we had to do this a few times to ensure we'd got all the water out then we fixed it the right way up, reconnected, cleaned filter and voila - we are up and running - thanks for the great advice :)

November 2011
I have 2 lights flashing, the salt & rinse aid and the Pause/Start light flashing as well. The machine just empties and doesn't dry. The model is FDL570, 2 and a half years old. We had the power trip out just before the first instance and have used the machine twice since but with the same flashing lights each time.

Richard T
October 2011
Hi my aquarius fdw20 dishwasher has the red power light on but no other and won't do anything else, any suggestions??? Angie

August 2011
just did this when prewash light was flashing and pump whirring it worked and saved £150 on call out ...

June 2011
I waved my magic wand and voila It was working perfect

Gandalf the Great
June 2011
Well, my last post was October 2010, the problem occured again today 17/05/2011. done the same as I did last time (though came on here to be sure) and by gum it's working no bother. Alan, I can't find your post, but you are a star...Thanks again.


El Franko
May 2011
YAY! Thankyou for savving my marriage, dishwasher tilted and tightened and in working order once more! :D

April 2011
Thank you, thank you. Flashing Eco light sorted by tilting machine forward and tightening lower spray arm. I couldn't go back to arguing about who's doing the washing and drying!!!!!!

April 2011
Just had the same problem with the lights, I also followed Alan August 2010 and it's fixed it! Many thanks Alan.

April 2011
Thank you everyone. Haven't had my machine working for three months. Out of warranty and couldn't afford to get a repair man to fix it. Just sent hubby downstairs to tilt machine. ITS WORKING!!!!

March 2011
thanks Alan for eco 45 tip . followed instructions dishwasher back working HOORAY HOORAY.

Alex Mac
February 2011
my aquarious hotpoint dishwasher fills and starts washing for about 2 mins the wash light and the drying light start flashing the machine then stops and empties the lights still flashing can u advise please what might be wrong

mrs c steer
February 2011
i have a fdl520 and i have two flashinf red light one is the salt and the other a x and the wash light flashs and i cant turn it off please help

January 2011
thank goodness I found this discussion! Having the exact same problem with our Hotpoint so about to follow the tip and clean advice, fingers crossed!

January 2011
Well thank the Lord for the Internet. I have just had the same problem right before going to bed with a full load in the dishwasher. We aren't the best at really cleaning plates etc before putting in the dishwasher. I pulled it out and tilted it forward and quite a bit of water came out. I mopped this up and turned it back on. Lo and behold it worked on fast cycle (after I'd emptied it). Gonna refill and put on fast cycle again...Thanks everyone

January 2011
We had same problem with ECO light flashing, followed same instructions as Alan August 2010 and tilted machine foreward then back some water came out of bottom of machine, plugged back in and hey presto it worked.

December 2010
My 6 year old DWM55 dishwasher was flashing eco lights i done the tipping forward trick and it worked wonders!! Thanks.

November 2010
well, I thought it was "call an engineer time" but I took Alans advice, me and wifey cleaned out the filter, and then took out the white twurly thing, tipped it forward and mopped up the water. While there we changed the fuse in the plug as a precaution, and checked the waste pipe. Everything seemed ok. We have just switched it on and are currently running it with a tub of dishwasher cleaner. fingers crossed. I'd have thought rinsing your dishes would be a given, as anything that can cause blockages is....well going to cause blockages. Thank's Alan and everyone for advice.

El Franko
October 2010
mine did the same, was a blocked outlet pipe at the union with the drain pipe.

cleared and back in working order

August 2010
If the eco light is flashing it is due to a leak from the lower spray arm into a tray underneath the dishwasher which triggers a display warning (eco light flashing) and turns everything off except the drain pump. You may need to pull out the dishwasher and tilt it forward so the water drains out. Then tighten the white collar around the lower spray arm before using the machine. I have just had this fault and this cured it.

Colleen Gauntlett
July 2010
What a piece of junk. I've had this machine for 2 years. I've had the engineers out 4 times to it - 4 different replacement parts - then the last engineer told me this model is designed for the Italian market. Italians apparently rinse everything before it goes in the dishwasher, so this model can't cope with ANY food waste. Decided to give up and buy a Bosch. I will never buy a Hotpoint again!

May 2010
my dishwasher aquarius fdw60 is staying on eco and wont move onto any other program had repair man out 3 times to try and fix it he put in a new board and now it just washes on eco wont go onto intensive if i have very greasy dishes any ideas

March 2010
there is ONE light flashing on my Hotpoint dishwasher,the last but one from the right. Can anyone offer some advice please ?

sue L
March 2010
my dishwasher has two lights flashing - eco 45 and fast 40
I was told that whichever lights come on are an error code to advise of the problem. Any ideas what they might mean, please??

January 2010
my dishwasher has two lights flashing - eco 45 and fast 40
when these are on, I can't do anything with it except turn it off at the socket for a while and then it seems to reset itself. Sometimes it does it in the middle of a cycle, other times at the end. I was told that whichever lights come on are an error code to advise of the problem. Any ideas what they might mean, please??!!

January 2010
check the element by motor

iranian man
November 2009
i have two flashing light on my hotpoint aquarius the two temperture ones it stops half way during the wash and then they fash i have filled up my rinse aid and salt but the salt one flashes to let alone its full with salt but when the temperture ones flash it stop working and just flashes please help thanks

November 2009
Had the same problem, both lights flashing, checked drainage pipe and there was a blockage, all cleaned and working as it should.

August 2009
mine packed up last night same lights took pump out and it was jamed with a small piece of china of the edge of a cup ok now but how long for who knows

February 2009
I have had this problem for a while(eco and fast lites). I thought I'd cleared it by cleaning a pip out of filter. Tonite it went wrong again, same 2 lites flashing. Aggghhhhh

I have a screw-in type connection to waste- self cutting type. I took the hose off this and put into sink. The waher emptied like a dream, hose was clear of debris.

My problem was the basic non-return valve in the self cutting waste pipe fitting had become stuck closed with loads of debris. I can't see how the thing has worked at all over the last few weeks! The job was 5 mins to unscrew jubilee clip pulll of hose and clean out non return valve. Quicker thean cleaning dishwasher filter which I've done countless times!

Oh yes, don't let the hose drop on the floor, otherwise you have to change your jeans as well, they get very wet! Another 2 mins added to the job:)

January 2009
my hotpoint fdw60 delicate light comes on right at the end of the cycle just before it finishes and leaves foam and marks all over the dishes.please help,hotpoint want 100 pound call out

January 2009
tried it twice failed to pump or start, manually drained it, emptied salt container of water, rinsed it with clean water, then added 2kg of salt, and started an intensive wash then it worked.

December 2008
Same problem as everyone else. 2 flashing lights and literally 2 days out of warranty. Did as suggested. Manually drained the floor of the machine, put in salt, and its working again. Thanks to all for suggestions.

Al, Glasgow
December 2008
Just had the same problem:- eco and fast (45 40) lights flashing at start of cycle. Added 1 kg of salt and drained the filter sump, as someone here suggested. Worked immediately. Thanks for the help.

November 2008
Have same prob with mine every now and then....on my machine its definitely a blocked drainage hose (previous house owners plumbed the waste outlet through a non return valve to sink waste). The valve fills with food waste and block the flow...... once cleared ...switch machine off for a minute or so and it clears fault. obviously very sensitive on waste pipe pressure.

September 2008
i had two flashing lights too, just emptied all the water out that was lingering at the bottom, tried to wash, and it worked.... weird! Lets hope it stays that way

Daniel Kempe
June 2008
Had the same problem of Eco and Fast flashing either mid cycle or during drying. Happened every time.
I'd been running without salt for about 3 months. When I eventually replaced the salt - Bingo ! It hasn't thrown up the error again since.

May 2008
I had the same problem with mine and the engineer said that the filter was blocked - may be something as small as an apple pip. Just make sure that all plates are rinsed of all food - I haven't had this problem since.

May 2008
Hi I've had this trouble with my dishwasher. Mine's just over a year old, so out of warranty. We blew through the pipes. they weren't blocked, then we checked the pump, and that seemed ok. I opened the salt container at the bottom, and it was full up with water, and it really smelt bad.

We tried to clear out as much as we could and left it all overnight to dry. I've put some salt in it this morning and run a prewash cycle(the shortest) and it finished it. I've now just run a fast & dry cycle and it has now finished that as well.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this has fixed it. I read on another site somewhere about dishwashers still needing salt even though these tabs all say that they have enough salt in them.

Not sure if I'm allowed to post the link but I'll try

Fingers crossed it works for all of you as well! By the way, it took nearly a kg bag of dishwasher salt and mine is a slimline one.

Bev young
June 2007
Have a 2.5 year old Aquarius. Just got the same problem last night. I back flushed through the pump (from my sink tap) and into the dishwasher. Some small pieces of material came out but nothing worth talking about. Did that twice but no joy. It happened us before about a year ago and it started working again after a while. 114euro for a service technician, might be better off buying a new one.

June 2007
I am having the same problem and mine is only 6 months old - I have it under guarantee...1st thing in the morning, they are going to get the pleasure of speak to me

Ceri Eaton
April 2007
I had an engineer out to my washing machine and it worked fine - typical!!! Fortunately, he had another go and it did the same as you say yours is doing. He said that it sounded like the pump, cleared it out, although there was nothing in there to speak of. It worked again after that, but now, even though it completes the wash, there is always a grainy residue on everything, even the floor of the dishwasher so I will have to get him back out. As soon as he's been, I'll get back on with the result - if you can do the same, we might just get the damned things fixed! Mine's under 2 years old so I'm gutted that it's missed it's warrenty, but there you go!!!

June 2006
Hi my fdw60 aquarius is displaying the same flashing lights as yours, iv checked the troubleshooting section in the manual and it doesnt say anything about the eco and fast flashing, our dishwasher is starting to wash but then getting stuck and not rinsing or moving on to any other cycle.My husband had to manually suck the water out of the hose twice so we know the hose isnt blocked, we think its the pump blocked or something like that, before we send for a repair man my hubby is going to take a look at the pump and motor which i believe you can gain access via the little panal under the door at the front, thats the only advice i can give im affraid, i will let you know how we get on, im gutted our washer isnt working,back to the washing up liquid and messy draining board for now eh!

sarah bing
June 2006
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Find out how to mend Hotpoint Aquarius dishwashers

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Find out how to mend Hotpoint Aquarius dishwashers