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Mend Whirlpool Dishwashers

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Mend Whirlpool Three Flashes

Whirlpool DWH B10 three flashes?

In any wash programme it stops at the initial rinse stage beeps and flashes in a cycle of three. Any ideas?

July 2010
as the machine is 5 years old is it worth fixing?

May 2015
with thanks to rocks1

Whirlpool Dishwasher Error codes.

F0. 10 flashes. Sensor Break (Only shown in test programme. Not visible to customer).

F1. Single flash. NTC Break. NTC open circuit/short circuit or ambient temperature less than 3 Celcius

F2. 2 Flashes. Water leakage. Floater switch LS6 in drip tray has switched.

F3. 3 Flashes. Heating system defect. Heater or relay on control board defect. Chack also cabling.

F4. 4 Flashes. Draining failure. Drain pump, control board OWI or water indicator defect.

F5. 5 Flashes. Sprayarm Blocked (not present on VBL version. On 1 digit display will show as F and flashing start led).

F6. 6 Flashes. Water valve (WV1) is switched on but flow meter (FM) senses no impulses (less than 10 impulses in 10 secs) and the water indicator (WI) is at a low level
Water Valve Closed. Water inlet hose blocked.
Water inlet valve (WV1) defective. Flow meter (FM) defective (leads to FM failure)

F7. 7 Flashes. Flow meter failure. Flow meter defect. Water inlet valve defect or water inlet hose blocked.

F8. 8 Flashes. Water level failure. Sieve strongly dirty or big amount of foam inside to less water.

F9. 9 Flashes. Continuously Water Inlet. Water inlet valve mechanically not closed or control board defect.

FA. 11 Flashes. OWI failure. Dirty OWI lens. OWI defect or control board defect. Check cabling.

FB. 12 Flashes. Motorised Diverter Valve

FC. 13 Flashes. Water Hardness Sensor Failure

A fault with no fault code indication = faulty module

These codes should cover the entire range of Whirlpool dishwashers.

Test Mode

Make sure the appliance is empty of water before running Diagnostics as it does not pump out before starting to fill and therefore you could overfill the appliance.
Open the door and set the program to the first program. (Normally rinse).
Turn the power off.
Press and hold the start button and while holding turn the power on.
After a little while the start button will flash, release the button.
Press the start button once and close the dishwasher door.
The machine will now run through a diagnostic routine.
If memory serves me right it takes about 20 mins.
The machine will stop during diagnostics if an error is found and will display the error code. If no error is found it will complete the diagnostics and end the programme.

To exit diagnostics at any time just press and hold the start button till the programme is cancelled
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July 2010
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Mend repair fix Whirlpool dishwashers

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