CAUTION: Before commencing with this sequences it is important to ensure that you have the preset cose for your radio.
To select a continent.
1: turn off the set
2: press keys 2 and 5 simultaneously, whilst pressing these keys swith on the set.
3: wait for 2 minutes until prompted to enter the set code.
4: enter the set code.
5: use the thumbwheel on the steering to access the desired continent.
6: when you have selected the disired continent long press ¬ key
then continue the sequence to select curves (auto equalisation).
using the thumbwheel select the desired curve.
0 =off
1 =emply
2 =clio or similar
3 =megane or similar
4 =laguna or similar
5 =safrane or similar
except if the vehicule manual recommends an other selection.
long press ¬ key to leave the mode.
7: Select REAR ON/OFF (Loadspeakers).
press ¬ key to validate, after this procedure the set will play normally.
June 2010