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citroen saxo 1.1 forte?

HELLO CAN ANYONE HELP? my saxo has a
had a problem for a while now, it started with the engine managment light coming on, so i took it to the garage the plugged the car up and told me that both oxygen sensors where faulty so replaced them at a cost of 0ne hundred pounds each, this lasted for a few miles then the engine light came on again, i took it back and he told me there where eight faults, he said to change the coil pack so i changed it and the car has gave up the ghost, it starts goes up to two thousand revs then dies, now i think the ecu may to be blame, can anyone help please?

June 2010
i just bought a 51 plate saxo forte and the sam e thing has happened but i had the rac out doing the diagnostics on it and there was 9 faults with it needing a coil pack due to cold weather as what i was told ?

July 2010
hi, saxo's allways have these problems, it might be better getting a new car, it will save you alot compared to all these faults ur getting, get a toyota

June 2010
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