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Mend DVD Players

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Mend Video, DVD Players
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Mend > DVD Players

Mend Clean Dvd Player

How do you repair or clean a DVD player?

My DVD player was playing orginal DVD's and burned copies, for a long time, but latley it started to play only orginal DVDs and stop reading the copies,can you tell me why this happened?

Josie Salinas
June 2006
You could also check out - they've been really great for me to repair electronics. Here's the link that, although specializes in xbox repairs, gives tutorials on DVD cleaning and laser repair, etc. Good luck.

July 2006
Possible a weak laser not a DIY proposition. If your DVD player is a budget model it may not be worth repairing.

Alternatively if the recordable DVDs are a little old it could be early failure on the part of DVDs themselves. Some of the cheaper ones don't last long. Having said that some of the cheaper ones do.

June 2006
Mend Video, DVD Players
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Mend Video, DVD Players
Free repair help for dvd players