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Mend White Knight Tumble Dryers

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Mend White Knight Diagram Dryer

i need electrical diagram for white knight dryer?

i need a electrical diagram for white knight tumble dryer model No WK447

Davy Gay
November 2004
If you still need it? I've got hold of a diagram for the WK427 which should be very similar. Check out my description under the posting "Will someone post a wiring layout here for a White Knight Sensordry please?"

Steve R
January 2005
Please post your wiring notes on here. I have some on my posting "What is the correct wiring layout for a White Knight Sensordry?" Some are incorrect but between us we may get it right!!

December 2004
Davy, did you get a wiring diagram in the end... I took mine apart and made some note on wiring but didn't note the stat connections to the element and terminal block. Can you help? Could we compare?

December 2004
you dont say why you need the diagram. have you got a fault or have you taken it apart and forgotten where they go ?

you might try ringing white knight crosslee in halifax where they are made

November 2004
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Free repair help for White Knight tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Free repair help for White Knight tumble dryers