if you are not sure what system you have why give yourself a head ache just turn mains stop cock off turn kitchen cold tap on should not run if mains closed then turn cold tap on in bathroom if stopped turn on hot if stopped get stuck in first fitting ball a fix valves to basin pipework only a couple of quid and next time so easy to isolate
however when you open cold bath tap water does not stop leave running and have your tea and bicys will stop after main tank ,if you have one is drained down when stoped turn on hot tap and wait to stop when it does crack on fitting valves to basin pipework
reason cold tap first dont want to waste hot water however if job planned and no hot water in cylinder both taps bath taps can be turned on together
by carring out the above no matter what system you have then water suoolp tp basin is cut
and ps make sure you keep kitchen tap open as if main stop cock letting by slightly water will discharge through this tap and pps when you open up stop cocks and valves firstly just crack open and check your new joints are sound also then open up fully then close half a turn this way when you want to close and open them in 5 years time they should still operate ok if you open them up fully they get very very very stuck after a few months
tony..tsp heating
June 2007