Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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My Car Hits 2,000+ Revs In Neutral?

Just recently brought the car and have been driving it about abit and have had no problem with it at all..

But for the past 2 days now it has been going to 2k revs sitting in neutral or when ever i put my foot down on the clutch..

The car is a manual and has a air filter put on it to give a better intake... But i have no clue at all why this could be doing it..

When i go into reverse it makes an awful crunching sound because theres excesive over-reving..

Any answers will be good cheers!

May 2010
Hi, my car (same year, model etc) has same problem but going up to 4000 revs, did you find a solution? Its been in garage numerous times but no luck! Would be grateful if you could let me know if you got a solution. Thanks.

June 2010
Oh Yeah sorry..

Citroen Saxo Vtr 1.6 and 2001 was the year it was produced

May 2010
All very interesting, but you failed to give the vital information Make/Model/Engine size & type/Year

May 2010
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