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Mend Triton Baths and Showers

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Mend Triton Low Switch

Triton Opal Elec Shwr - why does it keep switching to low pressure?

Every time we switch the shower on and select either of the hot water options it goes to low pressure and cold water only - what would cause this and is it an easy fix ? I installed another at the same time and it is working fine.

May 2010
yes as you say won't go above tepid.
check the bottom tco for continuity.

if you didn't change the pcb i suspect thats still where the fault is.

but check tco first.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
May 2010
temp doesnt go from hot to tepid - very much just above tepid from as soon as its switched on

May 2010
is your shower not getting to hot then only tepid ?

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
May 2010
the micro switch was loose which i have fixed. (thanks hi-spec it is the pcb no. you quoted) Now the water temp is just above "tepid" even with the setting at 10 ! water pressure is fine

May 2010
what is that dope on about.
cheers showerman.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
May 2010
blocked showerhead won't cause low pressure at all
blocked showerhead or hose will activate the prd.

low pressure is a problem on the inlet side of the shower not outlet.

as hi-spec has said check the pcb m/switch as these are prone to failure.

May 2010
hi dave have you tried it with the shower head removed ie water out the hose only ? shower head may be blocked and need stripping and cleaning it maybe restricting the water flow this will cause low pressure to activate. always start where the water exits and work your way back .next step would be try it without the shower head and hose and so on .do you see where we are heading its useually a blockage .mainly limescale.

richard chapman
May 2010
check the micro switch is making the bottom of the pcb.
these showers with pcb number 7073333 suffer a common fault.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
May 2010
i cant be sure but it sounds as though youve connected the shower to a tank fed system unless you have a booster pump it needs to be connected to the mains

May 2010
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Triton baths and showers