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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Tumble Dryers

Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Find out how to mend Hotpoint Aquarius tumble dryers

Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Tumble Dryer Model

How can I fix my Hotpoint aquarius tumble dryer model CTD00P?

My Hotpiont Aquarius tumble dryer is not heating up, it work fine appart from the fact it doesn't dry anything as there is no heat. Is this a problem with the themostat or heater. can anyone Help, many thanks


kevin hogarth
April 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Find out how to mend Hotpoint Aquarius tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Find out how to mend Hotpoint Aquarius tumble dryers