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Mend Speedfight 2 Starting

Speedfight 2 100 Starting Problems?

Alright everyone.just wondering if any of you lads or lasses that know a bit more than me could help me diagnose my speedfight 2 starting problem.I was on my way to an interview the over day when the bike started to lose power and i smelt a burning smell briefly.the bike wouldn't start at all after this but it does turn over.a mate who knows more than me has cleaned the carb,got a brand new spark plug,cleaned filter but there is no spark at the plug.i am just trying to diagnose if it is the CDI unit or the ignition coil as i don't want to buy one of the other without been sure.any help would be really appreciated.

April 2010
i got my 2001 speedfight 2 100 a week ago and its just started loosing power it done about 60 plus on a straight now does just about 50 why is this plz help ??

April 2012
just got a 100cc speed fighter 2 and no spark! but wen i take the fuse out it sparks every tyme on the kick start! wats up with it imoberlizer?

July 2010
I have same problem with same model(speedfight 2 100cc) I have fitted new ignition coil, new bypassed imobiliser, new spark plug and had wiring checked out but STILL only very weak spark.Not enough to run. also checked out fuel system and all ok there+ fully charged good battery.Have also checked compression and thats fine.This bike ran perfectly for 3yrs (passed MOT last month),All resistance measurments are as stated in the Haynes Manual.Anyone help pls? PS, i understand PERFECTLY about being "gutted" luck.

July 2010
bit of an update to this.I have borrowed an unused bypassed CDI unit off of someone and the bike will still not to refresh what i have tried:
1)HT lead and plug from another working 100
2)fully charged battery
3)checked all wire connections
4)fuse near battery
5)new bypassed CDI unit for aci100

It is now looking like it may not be an electrical problem after all but i am having trouble getting the bike in a garage as they are all really busy at this time of year.any suggestions for anything i should be checking,or as i posted in a new thread,anyone around leeds thats wants to come and earn some money to fix it would be very much appreciated.



May 2010

April 2010
I might need to take you up on the CDI unit M, is it the immobiler bypassed ones you have as i was looking to pay 130 quid for one so 100 is a bargain.i will try what you suggested first though so cheers mate and i will get back to you about the CDI.


April 2010
you could test the out put from the ignition pickup in the engine, i have had a few were the 8mm bolts that bolt the crankcase cover back off and rip the stator apart, but this is on the 100 cc mainly i have done about 10 or so of these over the past few years, but not the norm really! check it anyway, i have a cdi unit if you need it, brand new in the bag sealed 100 all in inc p+p cheapest you will find! good luck

April 2010
Thanks for the advice both of you.firstly no i have no spark and to Adam i have tried having a sniff about but cannot find anything that smells like it has burnt out,i bought a brand new spark plug,tried the coil off my girlfriends bike has she has a speedfight 2 as well and still nothing,looking more and more like a CDI problem but just wanted to try the cheaper options first.looks like it is gonna cost me over 100 quid to sort this sadly,only had the bike on the road 2 weeks so is a bit gutting.anyway thanks again and if anyone has any suggestions for me to try before i go and buy a new CDI i would appreciate any suggestions.


April 2010
if theres no spark as you say then its most likeley the cdi/immobiliser is at fault its much more common then a coil going down on them.the cdi/immobiliser is positioned behind the inner legshield at the bottom and is bolted on a small metal bracket,the secondary ignition coil is situated in the cavity at the rear right hand side of the seat panel ,if you smelled burning was it like an electrical burning smell?i would say oif it was then the item thats at fault will no doubt be a bit smelly too.sniff it out!:)

adam bike doctor
April 2010
do you actually have a spark though???

April 2010
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