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Mend Citroen Xsara Estate Rear

How can i fix my citroen xsara estate rear suspension?

After recently going over a speed hump (at low speed) my '98 citroen xsara estate TD has developed a very loud squeak/squeal when going over rough ground and particularly turning left. On examination I noticed the o/s/rear wheel appears to be closer to the inner arch borywork than the other side. In fact on inspection the inner sidewall of the tyre has been rubbing the bodywork. I cannot see any obvious signs of damage underneath and nothing seems loose. Any ideas as to what has happened would be much appreciated!

April 2010
Citroen Xsara Estate, I had the same problem, I bought it like that, did not know at the time, when I took the wheels off found spacers so big that not a lot of thread left, dangerous, managed to get an estate scrap axle for £90 and mechanic charged me £90 for putting it on , I had car back from him in two hours that was three years ago has been OK since .

January 2017
all you can do is change the axle this is what im about to do to mine

carl retallick
April 2015
Hi I have just had my rear axle replaced at a costly sum of £1,100 rear axle recon unit labour and a load of problems that had to be overcome, few new parts break parts, bearings ext. Car now drives fantastic but it has now got an horrendous squeak and it to is driving me mad, can anybody help me on that score.

June 2014
Possible a little late. I have this problem !!fitted spaces to wheel hub (cut and grinded old rear brake disk centre) and fitted narrower tyre's so not to rub wheel arch. passed MOT,as does not effect road holding but increases tyre wear.

little d
June 2013
the pins rust up and buggers the bearings i know where you can get a recon 1 for 350

June 2011
The Citroen Xsara rear axle problem stems from the (poor design) lack of drainage of the main axle hollow tube which holds the inner stub axles, either side, which turn on inner and outer bearings. They are about a foot long. Once water gets in through the seals it apparently can't get out, resulting in the short inner tube eventually welding itself to the outer axle tube with rust, and thereby setting up a cycle of ever increasing rust constriction of the tubes and bearings. Once the rust gets into the bearings, it grinds away at the polished surfaces, they quickly disintegrate and the stub starts to rub on the outer axle tube as the weight of the vehicle grinds down the rusty, collapsing bearings.

This then causes the typically observed rubbing of the tyre against the inner wall of the wheel arch bulkhead. This generates an MOT report all by itself.

I have been told that, to obviate the problem, Citroen fitted grease bearings to the continental cars but not to the British. Built in obsolescence run riot by a cynical manufacturer..? Even a drainage hole would have helped, either side, between the inner and outer bearings, don't you think?

The only option offered by Citroen is to replace the outer axle tube, the two inner stubs and the sets of bearings and seals. A lousy design, in my opinion. I replaced one axle with collapsed bearings only to have a second hand one fitted, which turned out to be seized. The only comeback I had (as suggested by the parts supplier - was to have the seized axle removed and returned and they would refund my £120 at a further cost of at least £100 - but with no replacement). A waste of £120 + £200 + another £100 labour, and then have no rear axle!

Since then I have been driving around in a car that feels like a bouncy skate board. It attracts the gleeful failure reports of ignorant MOT inspectors, of course, because it is interpreted as seized dampers, and the rear axle load sensing valve (which affects the brakes) seizes up due to lack of movement, etc.

Edward Paul Campbell
June 2011
Hi there...experiencing same problems as Dave.

Would be glad if anybody could throw some light please...

Thank you

April 2011
I have exactly the same problem took it to garage and told i needed to replace complete rear axle suspension at a cost of 150 ish for secondhand part and 200 ish labour plus vat

March 2011
Dave, did you ever get this fixed and if so how please? I have the exact same problem on my Xsara estate and it's driving me nuts. Was told that I needed a new axle but I've had problems getting one.
Any advice would be welcome mate.


July 2010
Hi, i have the same problem with my xsara. would appreciate any information on how you fixed it. cheers

June 2010
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