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Mend Megane Car Problems Water

Megane 98?

I have an 98 megane... This is my first car...

The problems started on Friday....

It started going through water like no ones business.. I just kept filling it up and took it to a garage and they said it was my head gasket... There is alot of water splashing around under passangers seat when driving (cant actually see water just hear it) and the exhaust has some little white smoke but i would expect this for age) the oil has some white gunk in it. However i called a renualt garage and they cant take car till monday but they think it may just be a water leak.

However i went out this morning and it started fine at half 7 then i went back out at half 10 and its not starting now... when you turn the key its like half power is going into it... ANd it makes a slight almost clicking noes then stops. And doesnt start.

Could anyone help?? I only paid 800 for car so not wanting to spend 400 on head gasket... Could it be the matrix or a leak or even the radaitor...??

Anyone know why it would start one minute and not the next...??

Thanks alot

March 2010
head gasket for sure when buying a car you should always undo oil cap and take alook if you see white gunk on around cap DONT TOUCH 99% its cause head gasket is gone all going. go look for another one. if your not sure what to look for ask a friend to go with you.

March 2010
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