TS4500 Paper Shredder?
TS-4500 Shredder won't stay on with paper in feed area. Auto-trips to "off" before shred is through. Morotr is still operating. Have run fwd and backwards. Have plucked all paper pieces from shredder head--top & btm. I don't see anything else stuck in pathway. Almost as if the 2 white opaque trip switches in the feed throat are not being held in "on position" by the feeding paper.
I tried removing the six screws that hold 2 halves of head together to see if I could see something stuck inside, but can't separate the two halves. There's something spring-like that seems to be holding it all together. I don't want to force it out of fear of breaking a main piece.
Got any advise or user's manual that shows blow-up drawing of head assembly?
March 2010