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Mend Washing Unit Wash

Washing Machine is cuts out (popping the main breaker on the domestic unit)?

Our machine cuts out during a wash cycle after running for not very long. If I remove some items of clothing and make the load lighter it works with no other problems.
I suspect water heater of even motor issues but don't know.
Can anybody help please?
Andy Hartnell.

Andy Hartnell
March 2010
Hi Peccavi,

Thanks for the info, I'll check it out tonight.
The RCD that pops does the whole ring main but not the lights


Andy Hartnell
March 2010
The breaker that trips - if it's the large two-pole breaker that turns off all power and lighting - is the RCD (or similar) intended as a safety device to prevent electrocution.

The machine's heater is unaware of the weight of the load put inside - the machine's motor will feel the extra weight.

It follows then that you may have a motor related fault - many people change the motor's carbon brushes when things begin to go wrong - sometimes it's a fix. Brushes are relatively cheap and relatively easy to replace.

Here's a video of brush-changing on a bench - probably because the camera would not fit inside the machine.

Good luck...

March 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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