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Mend Sharp Microwaves

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Mend > Microwaves

Mend Sharp Microwave Cuts Out After Seconds

Sharp R857 Microwave cuts out after 59 seconds?

Whatever way the microwave is programmed, it always stops working after 59 seconds. This is in all modes; Microwave, oven or grill. Touching the Start button reactivates it, but again, only for another 59 seconds. It has touch button controls, not dials.

Can anyone help?

Paul Reid
April 2006
If while cooking, your microwave stops after 59 seconds or one minute, you probably have a bad damper switch, damper motor or damper.

See the helpful photo here

In my professional opinion, people should not work on a microwave unless they are fully informed and aware of the deadly hazards and necessary precautions.

One can find such information and very specific in our safety and disassermbly text files at

You can find UK part suppliers and authorized servicers via

William Miller †
March 2007
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Microwaves
Mend repair fix Sharp microwaves

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Microwaves
Mend repair fix Sharp microwaves