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Mend Hair Straighteners

Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend > Hair Straighteners

Mend Loose Connection Cable

How can I fix my GHD straighteners?

How can I fix my GHD straighteners? My problem seems to be with a loose connection at the plug end of the cable. The cable has a round 2 pin connection which is plugged into a 3 pin plug! If I can wiggle the cable into a certain position the light will come on, or I sometimes have to push the 2 pin as firmly as I can into the 3 pin to try to get the light to come on.
Can I just cut off the 2 pin connection and have it rewired into a standard UK 3 pin plug?

April 2006
WARNING!!- ill give you some good advice, DON'T SEND YOUR GHD'S TO TONEY M- i contacted him because my ghds wernt working properly and i was realy desperate to get them fixed so i contacted him and he told me that he would be able to fix them and gave me his address to send them to him so i posted my ghds to him and i sent the money for them to be fixed to his bank acount about a month ago and ive not heared from him since- ive sent him a number of e-mails but ive heard nothing from him and im so piss*d off that ive lost ghds as well as £25, i feal so stupid that i sent them to him now but im just writing this so that you are more aware about who you send your ghd's to !!!!!

November 2006
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
Free repair help for hair straighteners

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
Free repair help for hair straighteners