Is it one of those off-brand quads? If so, no offense but they are junk. If it has what appears to be a motor that looks like a 1970-1975 Honda engine (Google ehat they look like) it is a Chinese knock off and built to very poor specs. Since it is new and running poorly try this. Sounds like when it warms up it loses compression. Take the spark plug out and cover the hole with your finger or thumb they attempt to start. It should pop your finger off the hole pretty good. Then ride it and right when it dies take out plug and do again. It'll be a little hot but you should be fine for a quick second. My bet is it won't push your finger away at all. If this is correct you need to adjust the valves. Simple procedure with a feeler gauge. Google 1970 honda 50 valve adjustment procedure if everything I said is correct and good luck.
Michael T.
February 2010