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Mend Vax Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend Vax

does anybody know about VAX wet/dry??

I recently had to use the VAX 121 to take up water, in my haste the lid/motor was not lined up/fastened properly so a little water ended up in the motor (as the tank was overflowing) which then shorted out. I left the motor to dry out by a radiator for some time, but still when I switch on, it still shorts out fusing the other electrics on the kitchen ring! it beyond repair??

Steve Manchester

Steve Manchester
February 2010
is the power light still on?

February 2011
Knowing about VAX wet/dry is one thing (I don't but I did own one)
Knowing about waterlogged electric motors is another thing (I don't I keep my motors dry)

There's a chance that the motor has become destroyed as the water acted as a conductor and supplied live mains voltage to places it should not have got to. There's also a chance that residual water inside the motor is still causing a short to earth and making the house circuit breaker trip.

If it were my motor I would strip it down as much as possible - swing it about to use centrifugal force to clear out as much water as possible and then leave it in the company of a fan heater on low heat - or just a regular fan on fast blow for as long as I could - couple of days or even longer.

If after this time it's still not working - then the chances are that the motor is properly broken.

February 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
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