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Mend Scantronic 9800 Home Alarm Systems

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Free repair help for Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Scantronic 9800 Condition Years Ago

I also have a Scantronic 9800 BF condition. How do I fix this?

We had our battery replaced only a couple of years ago at a cost of £100, but it seems to be failing already! Reluctant to pay this again, I'd like to fix it myself.
I have read the related questions and answers, but the overall picture in unclear to me (sorry, I am not an engineer). Perhaps someone can kindly clarify the steps I need to take?...

What battery do I need to buy, from where and how much?
How do I replace the battery within the control panel? (including getting the panel cover off)
Do I need to switch power off first?
How do I reset the panel afterwards?

Any help appreciated

February 2010
"Like an override code or something?"

I expect every 'crim' in the country would like to have that.

Think about it.

May 2010
Hi Nick,

I., too have a BF fault on my Scantronic 9827 and the alarm triggers intermittently.

This alarm was already installed before I moved in so I have no manual, no knowledge of 'zones' etc. All I have is the code to switch off/on alarm. We don't even have the key switch.

Can you help? Does the battery need replacing? Where is this located?! Thanks.

April 2010
Ray im shocked, i have talked many people through the process of defaulting the control panel back to factory settings, you really are wasting your hard earned cash, i did give you my number, and i am here to help should you need it in the future.

February 2010
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the very helpful reply, and very prompt. However, my time ran out last night. The battery must have died completely because I had to put my code in every 45 secs or so to stop it ringing. The kids woke up and I just didn't know how to stop it so I called an engineer who turned up and replaced the battery. All ok now, minus £95!
Surely there should be a way to shut the alarm off completely without being an engineer? Like an override code or something? If my radiator leaks, for example, I can always turn the water off.
My next problem will be decorating in a few weeks. I suppose I will need to get the engineer to remove the PIR's and bell box before this can go ahead?
Thanks again

February 2010
Hi Ray, £100 for a call out and replacement battery, Ray you were robbed. The Yuasa 7amp sealed lead acid battery the panel requires will cost you about £15 from screw-fix, the problem is this. The 9800 has a programming option, where if you take off the lid of the panel, it may require an engineer reset. It is impossible from my end to advise you. The reason why your battery has failed again so soon, is at a guess, the control panel is probably in the airing cup-board or some where fairly warm. Batteries hate heat and their life is seriously reduced by it.
I would personally remove the lid, we can always reset it over the phone if you get stuck.
Nick 07842 480037 Engineer with 25 years experience

February 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Free repair help for Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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Free repair help for Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems