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Mend Renault Megane Cars

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Mend Renault Megane 19 Diesel Light

Renault megane 1.9 diesel. Service light and airbag lights on?

I have a Renault megane 1.9. I have a problem with airbag and service light being on and there is a message about my steering not locking.
Does the airbag light come on automatically with the service light or is there a problem with my airbag?
Why is my steering not locking?

February 2010
god help us all

April 2010
I have the same problem and have to take it to the dealer to see what the problem is. I am sick of the megane -it has become a money pit- the clutch went, there is a design problem with the windows, the cat. converter went last year- the heat shield acted up within a month of purchase. I will NEVER NEVER buy a renault. Its only 4 years old

March 2010
I have a 53, 1.6, megane 'unfortunately' and my airbag warning light is on,renault told me i need the rotary switch behind the steering wheel replacing at a cost of around £250.00.This is just 1 in a long list of problems i have had with the car i.e.when double locked the front passenger window goes down and won't go back up until usually the next day,also all the windows steam up unless i put the air-con on full whack as soon as i get in(must have water somewhere).And sometimes when started makes horrible grindy,gurgly sound and conks out.

renault victim!
February 2010
I have a 2002 1.9 dCi Scenic with seat belt problems/warning lights. Renault diagnostics tell me that the fault is due to an electrical failure in the rear seat belt pre-tensioners. Apparentely when the warning light comes on it inhibits the whole of the airbag/tensioner system. My garage have tried to do some plug repairs which didn't work and I'm now being told that the only cure is to change both rear seat belt assemblies, costing over 600 euros. I'll let you know the final outcome!

February 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Free repair help for Renault Megane cars

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Free repair help for Renault Megane cars