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Mend Sewing Machines

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Mend > Sewing Machines

Mend Thread Sewing Cotton

How do I thread my Fristman Cub Seven sewing machine?

I can't get the tension right when using it to sew cotton lawn- puckers underneath and eventually snarls.

I don't understand the first stage of top threading- the thing at the back. There's a diagram- but I can't follow it.

I've tried altering the stitch length to 1, no width, and the tension to about 1.5

February 2010
Stitch length should be about 3 or 4 for an ideal space, top tension should be about 4, If I remember thread on the reel pin, take the thread from right to left over the top guide above the tension unit, make sure the presser foot is up and make sure the takeup lever is at the top, take the thread down the right hand side inbetwen the tension discs, down around the biggest guide left to right, back up the left hand side to the takeup lever, thread right to left, follow the guides all the way down to the needle and thread front to back, make sure the needle is perfect, if I have the tension unit wrong on that model emnail a picture and I can put you right, type me address as you say it not as you see it.

drivewithken at blueyonder dot co dot uk
February 2010
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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