Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Vehicles, Cars

Strobe hazard beacons?

what is the law on using the amber strobe beacons as used by breakdown vehicles, I want to buy the magnetic based one but can't get information on the legal use, even police I've asked were unsure.
After a near miss changing offiside wheel on my caravan in un-lit rural road. Hazards on and wearing flourescent jerking the idiot said he didn't see me or the warning triangle 100 ft back he run that over and broke it. As the site is world wide I'm in U.K

January 2010
i would go for it to denote that you are a hazard to other road users, here's a thought is your caravan roof aluminum or steel ?(won't stick to the first )
my definition of orange beacons was large slow moving vehicles/plant liable to cause a hazard due to size or speed

February 2010
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