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Mend Zafira Cars

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Mend Zafira Exhaust Light

the exhaust emission light on vauxhal zafira end 55 plate came on?

what cud be the problem i dnt no jack bout cars ,on the way home last night the exhaust emissions on the car came on n the car seemed quite sluggish ,i managed 2 drive it home at 10mphr but dnt want 2 drive it n cause more dammage , what cud have caused it and how much will it cost 2 repair ????

January 2010
were will i fined the lamber sencer on a vauxhall astra

April 2011
that would be your lambersensor its usually costs around 120 pounds

January 2010
Petrol or diesel engine?
How many miles per week do you drive, is it mainly short stop/start journeys, or does the car get a good run ( 20 miles or so at 60/70 mph)?
Have you tried starting/driving the car again since this happened?

January 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Free repair help for Zafira cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Free repair help for Zafira cars