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Mend Scantronic 9800 Home Alarm Systems

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Mend repair fix Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Scantronic 9800 Fault

End panel scantronic 9800+ 16?

BF shown on keypad highlighting fault with battery. Battery is not fully charging i.e. cahrging at 10.2v as opposed to 13v.

Does this require a replacement end panel? Or waht other options are there?

January 2010
its fine like you said your opinion and that was my opinion i just read forums and i see scantronic appearing more than the veritas series !

January 2010
Wow Death, Its ok having an opinion about a panel. I used to install the 9800 many years ago. Its only my opinion that they were probably one of the best control panels made. The Optima is very basic, with virtually no log, The Accenta range has got to be the biggest pile of rubbish ive come across in recent years.
There are only really 3 panels worth buying. Texecom Premier, Honeywell Galaxy, and of Course Scantronic,
Nick 07842 480037

January 2010
thats the problem with scantronic i find them to be coming to be turning out like the optima and the accenta models i think scantronic is probably the worst alarm ive ever fitted and believe it or not it embarrased me to go back to peoples houses and fix it but i hate to say this because i dont want nick to get angry at me for dissing the scantronic he like to think hes first but good luck with the battery

January 2010
Have you disconnected the battery from the leads to check the charging voltage, If you havent, it is more likely that the battery is dragging the voltage down, When components start to fail, it is more likely for the voltage to increase. Your detection devices will still work down to about 9 volts, but your external sounder will be affected slightly.
I would change the battery regardless.
Nick 07842 480037

January 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Mend repair fix Scantronic 9800 home alarm systems

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