1/. Order new belt from Ebay, (no more than £9), type 1860 9PHE.
2/. DISCONNECT DRIER FROM MAINS SUPPLY and then remove top and left side panel.
3/. Remove remnants of old belt and hoover out any errant fluff!.
4/. Pull Drum away from front panel, (take care not to damage the four plastic Bearings that align the Drum).
5/. Thread new Belt onto Drum and position accordingly to align with Motor drive spindle, (don't worry it is meant to be tight)!
6/. Utilise long piece of wood to lever Belt, (carefully), onto Motor drive spindle, (you can also use the service tool but this costs in excess of £50)!
7/. Check alignment by manually rotating Drum.
8/. Reassemble.
9/. Load first load of wet washing and go and make a cup of tea!
February 2010