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speedfight problem?

hi. right i recently got a problem with my speedfight. i was on the way to work on a wet day when all of a sudden my bike just died. it was like someone had taken the keys out my bike thats kind of noise. well when it cuts out if you leave it. it will slow down to about 10 mph n then just tick over normal althought if you trottle it full it will just die and cut out. when thats happened you cant start it off the electric starter it dont start at all you have to do it from the kick start. give a a few good kicks and it might start again. when it does you trottle it to move and the bike moves then cuts out and moves again so on. ive been told its the earth at bottom of my bike so i look and the wire is showing. meaning the plastic cover has come down abit so the wire is open. i coverd it up and tryed it and i got far till i the bike start making a funny noise once i full throttles it and then it just died so i just want to know if that wire is the problem. ask any questions if i didnt make it clear im not used to this kind of stuff many thanks

January 2010
its fixed now replaced the ht lead. dont do it at all althougth everynow and again it does it a funny noise and no power but still fine :) like its warming up still

January 2010
adam - some guy who nos abit about bikes is having alook at it sunday. i tryed starting it today and it was starting up whatsoever i was stood trying for atleast 30 mins the electric start and kick start both working its just not catching so maybe its something to do with the ht lead or spark plug ? it might sound stupid but whats a ht lead ? i dont know much about bikes

January 2010
it wont matter if its got a bit of insulation missing as its an earth but it does need to be tightly fitted with a good contact either end.are you sure the ht cap isnt getting wet and shorting the spark out to earth?it could aslo be the primary ignition coil that is breaking down when it gets warm its not uncommon for them to pack up and if it has got moisture on it and frozen it may well have damaged the can get a new one from electrex they have a website.this is one of those problems that needs to be in front of me to look at but have you checked to see if it has a spark still when it cuts out ?

adam bike doctor
January 2010
and adam when it cuts out its like someone has just took the keys out the bike. then once its died it wont start off the started motor. if you kick it really hard on kick start a few times it might start but if you trottle it it like revs then cuts out revs n cuts out if it makes sence

January 2010
well its a green earth wire and the green plastic has peeled abit so the wire is showing. when i cover it it lasts in the rain for about 1 hour but if i dont cover it. it wont last to top of street.

January 2010
you know what bb your right there :).He is obviously an immature child challenged in the genital region.

adam bike doctor
January 2010
Looks like carl had a day off school today with the snow. Well he will be back tomorrow I am sure..

January 2010

January 2010
if the earth wire is loose that goes from the battery to the bolt that holds the starter motor in it will not spark this wire is important make sure it is bolted tightly to the side of the starter motor or anywhere to the engine that is clean metal and make sure the other side it on the negative battery terminal.are you sure its electrical does the bike seem to cut in and out like a spark coming and going ?

adam bike doctor
January 2010
The problem may be that the wire connection is loose or dirty,it is an earth lead so it doesn't matter if it is showing,take the lead off and clean the terminals and fix it tightly on again.It sounds like a bad connection.

January 2010
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