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Mend Vauxhall Omega Cars

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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Omega cars

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Mend Vauxhall Omega Replace Dash Bulbs

instrument cluster removal vauxhall omega?

how to replace instrument dash bulbs on vauxhall omega

December 2009
Get a long nose pliers /gently tug on the two vents to the left of the inst/panel until they come away they are press clipped in / this will reveal two screws remove them / now you can remove the vent holder, which will reveal a screw that holds the left side of the inst/panel remove this screw / now you need to remove the top piece of steering column cowling to do this you need to turn the steering wheel to reveal the two screws which hold it in place they are covered with little plastic caps remove them and the screws underneath / gently remove the cowling / drop the steering wheel and remove the screw that holds the bottom of inst/panel in place which is above the cowling you removed / now you have to remove the multi pin plug at the back of the inst/panel this plug is locked in position with a clip that needs to be raised upwards so that you can remove the plug / the clip pivots in the middle / bit fiddley i know / the panel should come out now.

May 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Vauxhall Omega cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Vauxhall Omega cars