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Mend Daewoo Refrigerators

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Mend > Refrigerators

Mend Daewoo Cold American Style Door

freezer not cold enough and no ice being made daewoo american style frs-u20?

freezer is not cold enough food in door compartments is melting and no ice is being produced in ice msker

December 2009
Contact Daewoo service agent London area Tel 07723019161.

October 2016
I've discovered the exactly same thing: The freezer fan's motor is busted (there are two fans - one in the refrigirator side and one in the freezer side).
Since the cooling all happens in the freezer side, that fan i crucial for both freezer and refrigirator. It is a bit tricky to take it all apart, but both the icemaker parts and the motor for crushing/dispensing ice, has to be removered before access to the fans cover plate.
The fan is run by a 13V 3.3W motor with the part code: 3015915900.
Search for the fridge's service manual for further details.

July 2014
Check motor of the fan. It must blow when the door are closed.
It is happen very often.
Sorry for my english

February 2014
Had same problem and was told it was various sensors in the end none of this work has the saying goes too many cooks.................. Anyway in the end managed to contact a company who does the london area they attended found and rectified fault no problems since.

March 2013
hi , i have this problem too , did u get a solution, many thanks

barry sutherland
June 2011
same problem.. its the air sensor behind the blue vent on the left hand side of freezer or the sensor behind rear panel of freezer (inside the freezzer not the back of freezer against the wall) remove the ice maker and ice motor(4 screws) then rear panel to reveal the cooling coil. its the small sensor that goes to the top of the coil (cliped to it..inch long cylinder wit wires.. unplug it and fit new...£12.99... hope this helps..

mr fixer
January 2011
Same problem since January 2010. The fans stop working, making the cold air not going from the freezer's bottom to the top and to the refrigerator block. As a consequence, the icemaker doesn't make ice anymore and the whole refrigerator is not cold enough. If I shut down the fridge and wait a while before restarting it, it works again but fails after some hours. I think the thermostat is buggy. The problem is to find this thermostat …

May 2010
dontknow how to fix this problem but i have the same problem must be a common fault and the manufacturer is not very helpful

January 2010
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
Mend repair fix Daewoo refrigerators

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
Mend repair fix Daewoo refrigerators