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Mend Hello Temp Fine

not cold enough but running?

Hello, my fridge is not as cold as it should be. It is all the way up and the milk is not as cold as it should be. There is a definite difference in the temp. It was fine about two days ago. There is no ice anywhere on the inside; it is running but just not as cold as it should be. I vaccumed out under the front and I am not noticing a big difference. Any suggestions. It is a GE TFX20SA.

stephan voghell
October 2004
I'm having exactly the same problem so I went to the GE website and read the manual for the TFX20SA side-by-side refrigerator and found nothing that describes this problem. There is heading under the Customer Service section called "GE and You, A Service Partnership" with a paragraph that states, "you can always call the GE Answer Center at 800-626-2000, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week". I called the number and was told they don't answer questions, but rather simply call someone to come out to your house to fix your unit! What lies they publish!

I did find a website describes how the defrosting system in a generic refrigerator works and how to troubleshoot the components that might be failing. The webaddress is:

I intent to try to fix my frig using their advice since GE certainly won't give me any!

John Peck
November 2007
I am no expert or anything, but had the same thing happen to me with my side by side. Did the same thing you described, cleaned under and behind, not seeing any ice anywhere. No help. Then,,,,,, I took the back panel off the inside of the freezer and the entire cavity was frozen solid. There are a couple places/ ports, where the cold from the freezer is transfered to the fridge side and they were froze shut. The wife and I defrosted it thinking that was all the problem was and put it back together. It helped for about 2 weeks then the same thing. Took it apart again, same thing. Turned out it was the defroster bulb was burnt out. Easy fix , about $30 in parts.
Hope this helps,

Randy Bell
October 2007
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