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Mend Motor Belt Instructions

dejur 750 regular 8 movie projector?

I bought a new motor drive belt for a dejur 750 projector. I need to get instructions on installing the belt. I tried but could not figure out how to get past the gears to place the belt on the pullys. Any help?

November 2009
DeJur 1000 belt replacement is easy. All you need are screwdrivers. When you get to the belt it's a simple job to replace. I'm having more problems finding a new belt to replace a badly stretched out belt on my dad's DeJur 1000 8mm projector that goes back to the 1950s.

September 2013
you can find complete instructions on ebay. go to seller chas2439

February 2012
there is a ebay ad for complete instructions

February 2012
I just finished installing a new belt in my 750. I took pics of the entire sequence and have typed the steps as the procedure progressed. The 750 works perfect now with the new belt installed.

January 2012
Can you tell me what the belt looks like? is the new belt the same as the old one . i just bought a 750 it works ok but the belt is cracked and has what looks like a connector that splices
it together. It is a v type belt. Could you look at yours real close and let me know if your belts are the same or if this one has been patched. I dont see a problem in replacing it, will let you know how its done with pics or video

January 2012
It's a difficult procedure. You need a lot of patience and no distractions. I'm not sure how to explain it and I have no graphic or text instructions. I figured it out myself. If I can work out some diagrams and clear instructions, I can post them here but it may take a while. Meanwhile, I hope someone else might be able to help.

Bill Olson
March 2010
I am having the same problem on a DeJur 1000. Please let me know if you figure it out and I will do the same.

February 2010
I don't have the answer but if you find out let me know the trick

December 2009
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