There will be several hundred capacitors in your TV - you do not say why you need to replace capacitors but I would guess a power supply fault perhaps.
There is no point in replacing a working capacitor - just a defective one - although capacitors usually cost pennies.
Google Images Capacitor will show you several different types.
The unit of capacitance is the Farad - often Microfarad or uF - Capacaitors in PSUs are often Electrolytic and have to be put in the right way round Plus & Minus. They sometimes have a Voltage rating - 10V means OK for up to 10 volts and some have a temperature rating in degrees C.
Here's a link to a picture of some bulging capacitors in a power supply I think...
You will need to be confident with soldering and unsoldering and given your original question - what do capacitors look like - I would suspect thaat you may do best to have someone do it for you.
Good luck...
November 2009