Getting things taxed is a two-step process: you have to set the tax rate and then you have to make the item (PLU) taxable by that rate. To set a tax rate:
1) Turn the key to P
2) Enter the tax rate with three decimal digits. For 7.75% you would enter 7.750.
3) Enter the tax type: 0 for add-on tax, 1 for VAT.
4)Enter the GST Taxability: if your area doesn't use GST, enter 0.
5)Enter the tax rate number (1-4) you wish to set.
At this point, for example, for a non-GST, add-on tax rate number 1 of 7.75% you should have 7.750001 on the display.
6) Press the TAX key. On the default keyboard, this is the key above the CLEAR key.
7) Press the CASH key.
To make a PLU taxable, you set the PLU status value appropriately. For example, to make a particular PLU key on the keyboard open price, taxable by tax rate 1 you would:
1)Turn the key to P.
2) Enter 100, press SUBTOTAL.
3) Press the PLU key on the keyboard that you wish to set.
4) Enter 10000000000000 (that's a 1 with 13 zeros)
5) Press X/TIME, press CASH.
Again, this is just an example. For more PLU options, consult the section on "PLU Status Programming" in your manual.
November 2009