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Mend Samsung Refrigerators

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Mend Samsung

Which is better Refrigerator, Samsung 27E or Godrej gfe 27BZ?

Hi Priti, i wanna buy a 250L Fridge and budget is around 16k. After an extensive research
i've narrowed down to samsung 27E (260L), because it has got more features in this capacity
(around 250L) segment. But just before purchasing it i've realized that godrej 27BZ is more
spacious and though it is 4 star rated i liked it because of more space (almost similar
features as 27E except door alarm and electronic display). What is your opinion on this fridge
(i couldn't not get reviews on this because it is very recent)? is it a stabilizer free? is it
better than samsung 27E? and i heard (from shop keeper) that samsung fridges makes a bit high
noise, is it true? What is the feedback on godrej frost free fridges and service?

November 2009
As we become adult we just have to make more and more decisions for ourselves and it can be difficult.

Write down your top five priorities for the new appliance, price, size, power consumption, appearance etc etc.

List them in order by comparing
A vs B
A vs C
A vs D
A vs E

B vs C
B vs D etc

right down to the last D vs E

Then eliminate the least important from each pair.

Then Add up the number of As Bs Cs etc that remain.

You will then know which is your top priority.

Assign the top priority a weighting of 10 and the second priority a lesser number or even 10 if you wish.

Score each machine against the priority weighting for each attribute out of 10 - multiply each category Score x Weighting and add the products.

Repeat for the second appliance.

Make a decision!

November 2009
hi, Can any one help on this

November 2009
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Refrigerators
Free repair help for Samsung refrigerators

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