renault clio 1997 blowing water from overspill tank after short jouney, water seems to be coming from exhaust which seems to be a head gasket? ive taken out the thermostat because it wasnt opening in boiling water. bottom hose seems cool top hose hot , fan not coming on.
You should never remove the thermostat from the engine they they are ther for a reason to regulate the water flow arond the engine and keeps it at the right temperature your heaters wont work properly either it also effects the emissions on the engine and may fail mot if you think the thermo stat is faulty buy a new one drin the cooling sysem and dont forget anti freeze and also buy a new thermo switch thats why the fan is not running.
November 2009
I think that you are right it appears to be a failed head gasket.
Check if any oil in water also sniff check which may show up /confirm exhaust gases in cooling system