Recent: I cannot cancel the delay function on indesit wxl 05?

Mend Cordless Phones

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Mend > Cordless Phones

Mend Bought Second Manual

How can I repair this telephone?

Bought second hand with no instruction manual, base of the equipment which plugs in appears to work but handset does not receive charge from base. Flashing 'LO signal continues endlessly. Battery in hand set is not recognisable to me, how do I find out whether this is a dead battery?

Averil Wood
January 2004
Have you tried to source the battery or type in the exact make and model into tp try and source a manual?

Phil B
July 2004
Mend Telephones, Cordless Phones
Mend repair fix cordless phones

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Mend Telephones, Cordless Phones
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