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Mend Toilets

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Mend Pipe Months Ago

Concealed Cistern Flush Pipe Nightmare?

Some 4 months ago I purchased a Roma Vanity Suite comprising a basin and back to wall toilet fromTaps4less to fit into a newly built ensuite . It all looks fantastic and very plush But.....
The builder's original plumber had grumbled that the flush pipe supplied was incorrect and he had to make up one from elbows , connectors and sealant . The toilet would only flush towards the back of the pan rendering it unhygienic and useless . A second plumber was called and he said immediately stated that the cistern outlet was too low to allow the flush pipe to fit and he would be unable to fit it.
The cistern has already been mounted as high in the housing unit as is possible so there is no adjustment available .
I have spoken to the suppliers on numerous occasions via telephone and unanswered emails and have been informed that they sell loads of these units every week , nobody else has problems and that I am fitting it wrong .
The flush pipe has to be cut so close to the bend that the more it is inserted into the cistern outlet then the angle of the " horizontal " part of the pipe is foced lower and at an angle some 5 inches below the pan inlet .
I am informed by Taps4less that the pipe has to enter the pan inlet at an angle in order to fit but surely this will distort the flush cone and create leaks .
In any case mine is so far away even this could not be an option .
I am now in a situation that means that the plumber says the goods supplied will not work , and the suppliers say that there is nothing wrong with goods .
I am running out of options and unless someone out there can offer some worthy technical advice , I can only foresee a lenghty and unpleasant trip via Trading Standards to reach an outcome .
All I want is a loo that works !

Mr Angry
October 2009
i have the same problem so i checked out Plumbers Mate Ltd< they have a flexible flush pipe, check it out see if it suits your situation, good luck.

January 2010
I don't know about your particular toilet but I've just replaced a problem flush pipe on my concealed loo. The problem I had was that because of the positioning of the cistern relative to the toilet bowl the flush pie entered the cistern outlet at an angle and water leaked from the joint. After much b*****ing about I managed to fix the problem with a flexible flush pipe. The set cost £10 from a major DIY outlet that sounds like BBQ! You cut the flexible pipe to the right size and glue in pipe ends that connect to the cistern and to the toilet bowl. The pipe still entered the toilet at an angle and I was worried about leakage from the cone so I put a block under it to force it straight. Seems to work.

October 2009
Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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