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Mend DVD Players

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Mend Load Eject Disc

Onn/Connections SW8411 can't load, won't eject?

I have inserted a disc into this machine. The player is trying to load it without success. The "LOAD" indicator is flashing, but the machine cannot mount the disc.

All controls are inoperative so I cannot eject the disc.

I have tried turning off the power and restarting the machine, but it goes immediately into the "LOAD" opeartion with the same result.

Is there any way I can get around this?

October 2009
Ok, so I found it myself - might help others though.

Turn off power for a few mins, restart machine.

AS SOON AS the bootup sequence ("hello") begins, press and HOLD IN the eject button on the front of the machine.

This made my machine eject the disc.

October 2009
Mend Video, DVD Players
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Mend Video, DVD Players
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