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Mend Error Code E9 Washing Machine

How can I fix error code E9 on my Defy washing machine?

When switching on my Defy Laundromaid Electrologic 1300 washimg machine, error code E9 appears. How can I fix this.

October 2009
Helo my washing misine washing moter ceep on rining when washing mishine is on how can i fix it it has e8 eror code

July 2022
all of the above are correct i had the same problem today but ended up having to replace the unit
Thanks Guys

david lawrence
May 2021
How can i fix E9 if it has to rinse it give me the E9 code please someone help

November 2020
Ok as previously posted. Remove the top cover. Looking from the back of the mechien. On your right side youl se a T5-V2 sticker on a transformer. Below this the brown "THING" WHITCH is calde the presure switch. Unplug the wire, now look carefully insid the plug from the front, one of the terminals has been coroded. Replace the plug with terminals or do what I did, I found loos terminals and fitted them. So I dont have a plug any more, good luck hope this helpde someone

louw olivier
February 2015
Ok rundown, loosen both water pipes,swing the mashine side wayse, at the bak of the meshine ar 2 screws, facing downwords, loosen these 2, now lift the front lid, In the corners on the inside the back pannel clips in, gently lift with a screw driver on both sides until the pannel pops up, remove the pannel, now standing at the back, the round brown object(switch) on the far right hand side, unplug and unclip+ remove the plastic hoze,you wil see between the switch and the black cover are electrical components, spray these with electroclean or pentrating oil until clean, now fit the switc back, secondly, where the 2 water pipes conect, the 2 safty flters, pul out gently(might be sticky) and clean, put all back together and wash, now you wife wil love you a bit more or your husband would like to kill me for the mes you made,hahaha,

Louw olivier
March 2014
open rear panel where inlet hose fits and find round unit with clear pipe and 3 wires connected to it

September 2013
where is the switch in the machine

June 2012
thx where is it located

June 2012

June 2012
The pressure switch needs to be changed.

December 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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