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Mend Circular Saws

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Mend Manual Power Single

PP250MS Mitre Saw. Servicing and has anybody got the manual?

I'd like to know how to maintain my power mitre saw made in 2001 for B&Q called the PP250MS. It has a single linear shaft which is lightly pitted so affecting travel. I can't get the manual to assist servicing. I'm proposing to smooth the shaft insitu and then make some kind of flexible cover to avoid waste build up.

If anybody can send a scan of the manual I'd be very grateful. Please no spam.

October 2009
fitted new blade on pp250ms mitre saw having problems fitting the blade guard mechanisum?

paul gilbert
August 2010
Mend Power Tools, Circular Saws
Find out how to mend circular saws

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Mend Power Tools, Circular Saws
Find out how to mend circular saws