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Mend Indesit Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Indesit Stop Pumping Out

how can i stop my d41 dishwasher pumping out?

how can i stop my indesit d 41 dishwasher pumping out and reset so i use it proprerly. ive switchd it on and gone to bed with it set and got up the following day and it was still pumping out with nothing washed. ive tried resetting it, turned off the power, ive opend it up and can see nothing lose. the filters are clean, and the pump is still running and wont stop.

m holland
February 2006
you will need lots of towels and an understanding partner. in the bottom of the dish washer there is a catch tray with a float switch the tray fills with water the reason i dont know but when the tray is full the pump will try to empty it if the pump pipe in the bottom is not possitiond to remove enough water to drop the float switch the washer wont start and the pump will continue to run till empty if you can tilt the washer on its side this will empty the water out onto the floor then reset the selector switch and it should start.

mark holland
March 2006
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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